
Hannah Trammell

Hannah Trammell
Meet Hannah Trammell! She was born and raised in Birmingham, and while college took her away to Kentucky, she eventually found her way back home to the magic city after graduating. She and her husband currently reside in Roebuck springs with their two wild and crazy boys Franklin (4yrs) and Amos Jon (17mo), and their sweet German shorthaired pointer Leita. They’re an outdoor loving family and some of their favorite memories together have been made hiking, camping(both of their boys went on their first overnight camping trip at 3 months old) taking cross country road trips out west, exploring national parks, and riding bikes. During the week Hannah is a Spanish interpreter at Children’s hospital. This month will mark 8 years since she started working at Children’s, and while this occupation has proven to be extremely mentally and emotionally challenging at times, especially once she became a mother herself, she states that, “it has been an honor to use my language skills to directly serve our Spanish speaking families who walk through our hospital doors.” Her childhood was filled with Latin influence thanks to her precious Puerto Rican abuela, but her love for the Spanish language really flourished in college. Now, 8 years later, she is a Nationally board certified medical interpreter. Her husband Taylor is also in the medical field and owns a small independent retail pharmacy in Crestwood (Crestwood pharmacy and soda fountain) where he operates as the best community pharmacist she knows! When she’s not spending time with her family or working, she finds joy in thrifting and making old treasures new, running, reading, dancing, and in savoring a cup of super hot and creamy coffee at home. She has always enjoyed writing and feels that she expresses herself best when she can get her racing thoughts written down on paper. Hannah is so excited and thankful to be a part of this group of diverse Birmingham mamas and she looks forward to sharing her words with other moms in Birmingham
christmas in birmingham

Christmas in Birmingham :: Holiday Traditions and Must Dos!

The Magic City is nothing short of magical during the holiday season. Communities, businesses, churches, store fronts, and more, go out of their way to make this city and its surrounding areas shine so...

The 12 Best Waterfalls and Swimming Holes Near Birmingham

Fall is almost here and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than visiting some of the best waterfalls and swimming holes near Birmingham. As a family of four, we are always...

The Best Ice Cream in Birmingham

Ice cream weather is officially here and it's no secret that the Magic City is home to some of the best spots for cold treats in the state! We've chosen some of our favorite...

The Ultimate Guide to Drivable Beaches from Birmingham

Pack your sunscreen, your favorite swimsuit, a good read and your best floppy hat because we're going to the beach! Lucky for Birmingham residents who are already thinking about summer vacation or spring break,...
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Halloween Costumes and School Dress-Up Days :: Why I Don’t Stress When My Son...

It's Fall, Y'all! The leaves are falling, we’re getting a glimpse of cooler weather, and moms everywhere have started stock-piling pumpkin spice everything. All of this can only mean one thing: it’s fall, y’all, and...
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The Fifth Trimester :: Navigating Anxiety Four Months Postpartum

The Trimesters of Motherhood. Each one comes with its challenges and joys. Every woman who has been fortunate enough to carry and birth a child has a different experience with how they navigated each of...

Beyond Words :: A Day in the Life of a Medical Spanish Interpreter

My alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. It’s a normal weekday morning in the Trammell household, which can look like either pure chaos to an outsider or a normal, messy, rushed morning to the...

Birmingham Mom Collective :: Introducing Hannah

Birmingham My roots run deep in this beautiful, magic city as I am a Birmingham native, born and raised. I grew up in Homewood and graduated from Homewood High School in 2009. (Go Patriots!) With...
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