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Family enjoying time at home- lifestyle in Birmingham

Birmingham Mom Collective is the go-to online resource for parents in Birmingham, Alabama. We offer a range of home and lifestyle resources designed to cater to the needs and interests of the modern family. From insightful posts penned by local moms to comprehensive guides to all things Birmingham, Birmingham Mom Collective provides valuable insights and information to help you navigate family life in our vibrant city.

Birmingham Mom Collective is dedicated to nurturing a strong community spirit, providing a welcoming space for parents to exchange experiences, advice, and tips on topics ranging from childcare and education to weekend plans and home management. Whether you’re on the hunt for the best parks for a family picnic, grocery budgeting or seeking family-friendly events in the city, Birmingham Mom Collective is your ultimate resource.

Birmingham Mom Collective offers a wealth of home and lifestyle resources that cater to the diverse needs of families. They include everything from ways to freshen up your laundry routine and meal planning tips to time management and home organization strategies. Whether you’re looking for fun, local activities for your kids or effective ways to streamline household chores , Birmingham Mom Collective has the home and lifestyle resources you are looking for!

Back to school can be exciting, but as we head into fall and winter, it can also mean an increase in sniffles, runny noses, and the like. Even for homeschoolers like us, changes in season or temperature can leave...
You know that phrase that inspirational parenting accounts love to say, that goes, “The dishes can wait?" It’s meant to encourage moms to be more present with their children, but, instead, I see it frequently leading to excess mom...
The term "homesteading" has become increasingly popular in recent years, but what exactly does it mean? I recently polled a group of moms, and some of the answers I received were: "Living off the land" "Making/growing as much as you can...
If you like to cook (or eat!), chances are good that you've heard of Dale's Seasoning, but did you know it originated right here in Birmingham? The kitchen staple we know and love originally served as the house marinade...
During my five years of marriage pre-kids, I was a laundry goddess. I had such a precise routine down and hardly ever fell behind. I mean, c'mon, it was laundry for TWO. Throw a load in before work every...
As we start a new year, we tend to start our New Year’s Resolutions (which we know will inevitably not happen). Whether it is a few weeks into January or a few months into the year, New Year’s Resolutions...
Kids love birthday party favors, little trinkets from the Dollar Store, goodies from that school party, and those prizes they win for summer reading or from a week of great behavior. Oh, and they also like to collect rocks....
I keep seeing a meme floating around about there being a difference between buying books and actually reading them. I know some people who looooovvvvveeeee purchasing books; I also know some people who love reading books and do not...

Pet Shops in Birmingham

Are you looking for pet shops in Birmingham, AL? Do you need pet supplies, pet food, leashes, animal toys, and more? Check out our list below! Pet Shops in Birmingham, AL Ed's Pet World- A family owned pet store located in downtown...
October is here and so is pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. I'll be honest– I'm here for it. I'm your typical lover of all the fall things. At the same time, there are so many items marketed specifically for fall these...

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Join Our Team! {Open Call for Birmingham Mom Collective Contributors}

Are you one of the next Birmingham Mom Collective contributors? Do you love writing and enjoy sharing your story with other moms? The BMC writing...
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