On Fridays we dine out. That has been part of the fabric of our family for as long as I can remember. My husband and I both did it with our families growing up, and we do it with...
The UAB Comprehensive Addiction in Pregnancy Program (CAPP) offers a safe place for pregnant and postpartum women suffering from substance use. Women participating in CAPP can experience recovery through comprehensive peer-supported, multi-disciplinary care. CAPP’s group prenatal care includes obstetric addiction...
It's one of our favorite days of the year -- National Ice Cream Day! Now, I completely have to be honest, I have been eating a little extra ice cream during this crazy time, but I will take any excuse...
Our third annual Bloom was different this year, as it was VIRTUAL! After postponing, changing the format to be socially distant, and rescheduling, we were THRILLED to offer moms a chance to experience many of the in-person event amenities,...
Birmingham If you had told me ten years ago that I'd be living in central Alabama, raising twins, and married to the guy I had a huge long-distance crush on, I'd have never believed you. But life has a way...
Having a baby is such an exciting time in a mother's life! We are so excited to introduce you to some amazing local businesses in our Birmingham Guide to Baby to make the journey to motherhood even easier than...
My relationship with my postpartum body has a less than stellar track record. For years, I have longed to have my pre-pregnancy figure back (you know, the one that I used to think was fat).  My negative feelings toward my...
Birmingham Mom Collective has the best partnerships, and I love getting to know them better through interviews. I had the pleasure of speaking with one of our partners, Dr. Quyen Vu Ying of Liberty Park Children's Dentistry, recently. Besides...
It can be challenging to find engaging and stimulating ways to fill the hours of our days with our tiny humans (especially now, during this time of social distancing.) You can only play with the same stacking toy or...
Most area schools seem to be planning to release their plans for the 2020-2021 school year this week, so school choice (virtual, blended, hybrid, traditional, home school, and every other version you can think of) is even more of...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Vacation Bible Schools in Birmingham

Many of us on the BMC team have fond memories of Vacation Bible School. Often, this is a great way to get your kids...
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