End-of-the-Year Teacher Gifts :: Support Local Businesses We've Almost Made It We've almost made it to the end of the school year (almost being the key word here)! While we do not have to worry about end-of-the-year parties, recitals, and tournaments,...
The weather is beautiful and everything is blooming! And while many parks and playgrounds are closed right now, there are some amazing open parks, gardens, and spaces that kids and adults alike can walk around and enjoy while still...
Like many others, the video released this week of the murder of Ahmaud Arbery shook me to my core. Initially, I had no words. The sadness, anger, and shame that immediately built up inside of me all at once...
Finding Purpose Is Celebrated Living in the Bible Belt, we’ve all heard the phrases “discover your purpose,” “live the life you were created for,” and “make a difference.” Finding purpose is celebrated. Birmingham ranks number two among the top charitable...
According to my Instagram account where I've kept a daily picture log of our coronavirus happenings, it is day 49 of quarantine as I write this. Let's rewind to January 1, 2020, back when the world was not only saying...
As an adoption social worker, I have created a list of my top five book recommendations for adoptive parents and their support group. I'm an adoptee myself, and I love passing along information on parenting, adoption, trauma, and attachment. Five...
A Different Kind of Mother's Day Mother’s Day is going to look a lot different this year.  No family church services or going out to eat for lunch or brunch. Many of us may not get to see our mothers in...
Everything Was Going to be Great I had a definite idea of how it would be when my first baby arrived. I knew I would be fine, the baby would be fine, my marriage would be fine -- everything was...
In the midst of a global pandemic and stay at home orders, I realized my son's birthday was coming up. Because of our situation, this meant no birthday party at school, no 20-30 kids gathering to sing to him,...
I learned so much when I unexpectedly lost my dad. This pandemic hijacked my grief. Right at the peak of the anger phase. I wanted to share what I learned about life and the logistics of planning my first funeral....

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In + Around Birmingham

The Best Family Events at the BJCC : Summer 2024

Summer is right around the corner, and Birmingham Mom Collective is thrilled to tell local families about all the exciting, family-friendly events coming to...
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