According to my Amazon order history, I’ve been using a menstrual cup since February, 2018. Two years of use probably makes me a bit of an expert, so you’re in good hands. Let me go ahead and say that...

Mom in the Mirror

Mental health is now a trendy buzz phrase that is getting more attention as it rightfully should. Recently a close friend and I were joking about the future therapy our children may seek because of our current circumstances. Our...
  The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship I got my dog Troy when I was 19. My friend Serra and I drove from Auburn to Troy to pick him up. This was right after the movie 300 came out and I...
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to be a camp nurse for a week. I had been fortunate enough to go to overnight camp when I was a kid; one summer I loved it so much that...
Remember when you were a kid, and you just wanted to fit in? Back then, being different or quirky could draw ridicule or unwanted attention. Now, one of my favorite parts of being an adult is having the security...
Another tragedy in another school. While many in the Birmingham area are celebrating the end of the school year, another town in a different state is in mourning. As we watch the news unfold, I am reminded of a...
I know what it is like to be the keeper of other people’s stories, to be the receptacle into which they deposit their memories. The storytellers are strangers, and it is my daughter who invites their words. Our exchanges...
kids swimming

Pool Bag

The Origin In 2002, our family moved to a new house and joined a pool nearby. As a young mom with a toddler and an elementary-age child, I knew I would need a large bag to hold swim diapers, sunscreen,...
“Be brave to step up and try something new. Be brave to step out when it isn’t for you.” The first time I read these lines in Marianne Richmond’s Be Brave Little One to my infant daughter as she lay...
Being a mother is so rewarding and such a beautiful thing. I am thankful for those days that I get to wake up, sip my coffee in silence, and anticipate the sounds of little feet shuffling across the floor....

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In + Around Birmingham

The Best Family Events at the BJCC : Summer 2024

Summer is right around the corner, and Birmingham Mom Collective is thrilled to tell local families about all the exciting, family-friendly events coming to...
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