Mom :: “Warrior, Soldier, Fighter, Lover” by Karima Moor


This spoken word was written by Karima Moor, a talented Birmingham teenager, for Birmingham Mom Collective. Her words are meant to encourage mothers in the world’s most challenging role. Read her words, and scroll down to watch her perform this poem. We are excited to see where Karima’s talent takes her, and we are grateful for her sharing it with us.

Warrior. Soldier. Fighter. Lover.

“Warrior, Soldier, Fighter, Lover; You’re the glue that molds me together. Mom, to describe you is truly difficult because words put you in a box, and that feels almost criminal. Thank you for being caring, far more than physical, nurturing things not always visible. We all know a mother’s job is not typical, but you do it so gracefully. Your presence is critical. You are many of my firsts. My first teacher. Guiding me through life, I’m so glad you are my leader. You were the first to believe in me. Thank you for making me a dreamer, not always telling me what I wanted to hear, but making me see deeper. A different perspective is what you gave, not to make everything a debate, but break my idea that I was always right. You were the first to teach me that I have to fight. Fight for things in life. Whatever I want, I have to go after. I can go get it with swagger. You taught me one of the most beautiful things in life is laughter. Find the best thing in the midst of a disaster. Even when I shatter, I don’t have to feel scattered. There’s always a new chapter to push for better, even if I don’t have all the answers. My first disciplinary, not unnecessarily just making sure I can be extraordinary, even legendary, without tripping over my own mistakes. Because, Mom, you are a visionary, seeing how special I am and using my purpose because together we can break generational curses. Mom, you are my biggest fan, giving me the strength to push forward as much as I can. I want our bond to never end. On you, forever I will depend. Most importantly, you are my first friend, my best friend, my diary, my anchor. When I’m in need, I know I can run to you, no-brainer. Every day is Mother’s Day because you deserve it. Notice I never said you were perfect, because you weren’t. But that was never what I needed you to be. I just needed you to be there for me, because this relationship is something you perfect by experiencing. We are learning together. Mom, thank you for being there for me always and forever.”

By Karima Moor


Karima, a Birmingham native, is 20 years old. She has always loved writing, but she didn’t start writing poetry until the age of 18. Her goal is to empower people, especially women, and give them a different perspective of their perceptions of the world. Growing up as an only child gave her much room to absorb information and see how different people handle situations so dissimilar. Three things she has learned are that you have to believe in yourself even if no one else does, you should go after anything you want with full force, and you have to be the light in the darkness or it will consume you. In a time full of technology, knowledge, and connections, she hopes to spread the wisdom she has gained across the world. 
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Kerra A
Kerra was raised in a small Alabama town named Corner but finds her heart often wandering to the farthest corners of the world. She served in the Himalayas and therefore has a deep love for Asia and the international population as a whole. After becoming a stay-at-home mom, she volunteered with Perspectives, a study program to help others understand God's love for the nations and always has her doors open to the international community of Birmingham. One of the things she loves most about the city is the diversity mixed with Southern hospitality. She married her husband, Chris, and had three children under three by their fourth year of marriage. She has a passion for teaching, loves to serve others, and has a knack for entertaining. Her perfect evening would consist of a midsummer night by the pool. There's nothing like the delighted giggles of little ones surrounded by fireflies twinkling, bats scurrying overhead, toads croaking their percussive melody, and the resident owl hooting his nightly chorus. In her free time, she loves to travel with her family, explore the great outdoors, or read a good book with a really strong latte in hand.