To The Mothers Who Play Both Roles, I Salute You!


Now That I Am A Mother

I see things from a totally different perspective. I see how hard it must have been for my mother to raise my brother and I alone without the help of a husband/partner. There are days when parenthood is so hard that I fall into my husband’s arms and cry at the end of the day. I try to imagine how that must have been for my mom, not having someone to fall into. When they say “it takes a village” I can honestly see that now.

I Was Raised Without A Father

To this day, I do not know very much about this strange man other than he was the first man to ever break my heart. I didn’t understand how important the role is that a father should play in a young child’s life. (Even more so a daughter, in my opinion.) Not just to set the example of what healthy love looks like, but also to set the bar for when you begin your own journey into womanhood and begin dating. 

Seeing My Son Interact With His Hero

It melts my heart—my son’s love for his father is so pure and beautiful. After a long day, my son longs for his father. That’s his buddy! I love watching my husband teaching him early on to use manners, pick mama some flowers, fix things, think outside the box, and most importantly, to love Jesus. I know that my son will be a great leader of his own family one day. I know that my son will have an image in his heart of what a healthy marriage looks like.

It Hit Me

Maybe because we just moved and I found my wedding album where my mother walked me down the aisle, but it recently hit me. There has never been a day in my life where I got to feel a father’s love. It hit me hard. I began to cry as I imagined all the other children out there who, like me, don’t know what that type of love feels like. I’m grateful that my son will grow up with a loving father. But my heart also goes out to all the mamas who play both roles. I don’t know how my mother took me to karate and ballet. How she taught me to roller skate and apply makeup. She made it seem effortless, although I know now that it wasn’t easy. 

Mama’s Who Do It Alone, I Salute You

I know that it isn’t easy. I know some days you may feel like you are drowning. I just wanted to write this article to say you are doing great, and that while it may seem like I missed out on an opportunity to have a father in my life, I see it the other way around. He missed out on watching his daughter grow, and because of that, I got to watch my mother be a superhuman. Growing up, I never knew I was missing anything because she made me feel like I was the most important person to her. I didn’t even know that role should be shared. Things like that may hit later in life, but, as a child, I knew that I was loved, safe, and never alone. So, Happy Father’s Day to all the single mamas out there. You alone, are enough to raise strong, independent, loving, children.


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