It’s the beginning of a brand new year, and that means everyone is thinking of resolutions and fresh starts. Why not start 2019 off by de-cluttering and getting organized and setting yourself up for success in the coming year?...
On the Enneagram test, I am a one wing three. As much as I hated to admit these results at first, they're extremely accurate. For those of you unfamiliar with the Enneagram, this means that I'm an extreme perfectionist...
It seems like we say this every December, but it is hard to believe another year has come to a close -- and what a great one it was for us at Birmingham Moms Blog! We have loved walking...
Coffeehouse Clarity A recent trip to a coffee shop offered me a reminder I want to carry into the New Year. Sharing with others, I realize, seems like the best way to help me internalize this message. Finding myself in need...

My Mommy Mental Breakdown

It all started on a Sunday morning . . . I awoke to my daughter crying, and I felt unprepared for my day to start. As I lay there, debating how long I could let her cry before guilt set...
As if we needed one more reason to love our favorite local Iron Man Statue, Vulcan Park and Museum, in partnership with KultureCity, is now certified as a Sensory Inclusive site. What does that mean? Glad you asked. This certification allows...
Pop, clink, fizz! It’s almost that time; time for family and friends to gather around and celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another. Food, fun, fireworks (for some), and most important -- FAMILY! Some families...
December is packed full of family gatherings and holiday planning, but it's also a time to start thinking about the new year and any goals or changes you might want to implement. In recent years, I've made a conscious...
How many times has your child run a fever? A TON, right? If your child is anything like mine, you’re probably calling the doctor every few weeks because of a mystery illness. But did you know that your child...

Mama, You Were Made For This

Why? "Why?" I hear this question approximately 82 times a day from my three year old. I know he is just trying to understand the world around him, but it usually snowballs and takes us down some rabbit trail to...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Tea Houses in Alabama

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite types of establishment: the tea house. If you've been to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, you may...
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