My kids are now 7 and 2, so the baby days are behind me. What I have often said to my husband is that we should have used our baby showers more wisely. We registered for organic cotton bed skirts...
Hey, Mamas! Last month I wrote about how our baby led weaning (BLW) journey began. Read Part 1 here. My daughter, Poppy, is now 12 months old and has come a long way since the days of bananas and strawberries!...
As moms, we have the opportunity to lead our children and set an example for them as they grow up even from the very early days. Our kids are always watching us and likely mimicking us, from the food...
Scene One “Ooh, look at this one,” the mama-to-be cooed to her husband. She was only ten weeks pregnant. They hadn’t told any friends yet, only their closest family members. They were spending a warm spring Saturday afternoon window shopping,...
I should start by saying I come from a long line of worriers. That being said, I am trying desperately to break that cycle and be one of those laid back, easygoing parents. My efforts can be jolted by...
Dear NICU Mama, Our eyes meet as I walk into the room to introduce myself as your baby’s nurse for the day. You smile politely and secretly wish that I was a familiar face instead of another new one. I...
If you had told me a year ago that I would share pictures of my breastfeeding journey, or nurse Polly in public, or nurse her at all, I would have called you a liar. I had very strong ideas...

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In + Around Birmingham

The Ultimate Guide to Blueberry Picking Around Birmingham

My husband and I have been picking blueberries at various farms in the area for years. It doesn't take long to pick a couple...
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