School is right around the corner. There is a part of me that craves the end of summer chaos and the return of the inevitable routine and order that comes with the school year. There is also a part...
Financial Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic We are living in an unprecedented time. Coronavirus (Covid-19) went from being virtually unheard of in the United States roughly four months ago to officially becoming a global pandemic. It has resulted in statewide...

The Un-Inspired Mom

It's almost the night time rush with kids. You pull out chicken nuggets and a frozen mac and cheese. You pop those nugget shaped meats into the microwave, because who has time to bake them? They come out hot, albeit...
If you find yourself wondering how to feel more successful in your day-to-day time and energy management, you are not alone.  Women, especially mothers, are expert multi-taskers. With many hats to wear, it sometimes feels like the best or only...
Being a teacher and a mom definitely has its benefits. My favorite thing students ask me is, "Ms. Woodard, when are we going to actually use this in the real world?" (Which is a very valid question.) When we are...
If you told me 10 years ago that I would purchase a complete fixer-upper and renovate it, I would have called you crazy. I like new things, shiny and clean. Yet here I am, deep in "Phase II" of our mid-century renovation....
Here’s the skinny on bringing kids to Starbucks . . . Starbucks can be a bit overwhelming, and ordering for your child can be risky business. I had the privilege of working there for four years and have experienced...
This is going to sound whiny to some people out there. It may even be a bit self-indulgent but so are Lululemon leggings and I know a whole lot of y’all rocking those out there, soooo . . . Y’all,...
“Three Momma!” my daughter pleads, holding three large picture books in her tiny hands. Her hair is still wet from her evening bath, and she smells lightly of lavender as I pull her into my lap in the white...
Today we celebrate National Avocado Day. What, you didn't know?! Yes, yes the avocado has its own day of appreciation, and rightfully so. This fruit/vegetable/fat is absolutely amazing and wonderfully versatile. Best known as the substance from which we derive...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Tea Houses in Alabama

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite types of establishment: the tea house. If you've been to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, you may...
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