Today we celebrate National Avocado Day. What, you didn't know?! Yes, yes the avocado has its own day of appreciation, and rightfully so. This fruit/vegetable/fat is absolutely amazing and wonderfully versatile. Best known as the substance from which we derive...
I fell in love with hiking when my oldest daughter was a toddler. I volunteered to host a hike through our local Hike it Baby group, and that quickly led to my becoming one of the group leaders for...
While summer break can be a lot of fun, it can also be hard. As a work-at-home mom, getting things done (writing, interviews, etc.) while both kids are home can be difficult to say the least. (I’ve recently had to...
The other day, my six-year old came home from school and asked me with big eyes: “Mommy, did you know a man took a gun and shot many, many people. They are all dead. Is this true?” Sadly, my...
As moms -- whether stay-at-home, working, homeschooling, moms of kids who spend the day out at school, tall moms, short moms, moms of one, or moms of seven -- we have busy, full days with a lot on our...
We at Birmingham Mom Collective are not strangers to the problems that alcohol abuse can cause to individuals and those that love them. A few of our contributors have shared their experiences with loving someone who abuses alcohol. We...

Hello! I am “Basic”

When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a wife and a mom. Every career choice seemed like a backup plan because I believed--and still believe--that my calling in life is to care for...
Do you remember the television show Kids Say the Darndest Things? Kids sure do say funny stuff, but I’d argue that it’s actually grown adults who say the darndest and most ridiculous things. This is especially true as it...
As you've all probably noticed by now, everybody is talking about Bruno. They're also talking about Mirabel, Isabella, Luisa, and the whole gang. Encanto has proven to be a sensation on the level of Frozen for many families, and...
I turned around from the driver’s seat and looked at three flushed sweet smiling faces in the back of my car. We had just raced into the school to grab all our books to start teaching from home. COVID-19...

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Chick-fil-A® Catering Options in Birmingham

It's no secret that we are big fans of Chick-fil-A® at BMC! From delicious food to top-notch service, they consistently knock it out of...
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