
Holidays + Seasons

Birmingham Christmas Tree Lightings

Birmingham Mom Collective is your ultimate resource for all things holidays and seasons in Birmingham. From festive parades to a wide range of activities, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know.

Our guides provide everything a mom in Birmingham needs to celebrate. Discover how to create an amazing Easter basket, find the best spots for pumpkin picking in the area, and get ideas for local spring break staycations!

During Christmas, the holiday lights brighten up the garlands adorning Birmingham. From the dazzling light displays of Birmingham tree lightings to where to see Santa and where to shop local holiday gift ideas, Birmingham Mom is every mom’s go-to resource on how to embrace the holiday season, providing helpful guides, blog posts, and updates.

If it’s a holiday in Birmingham, you can expect fun for the whole family. Whether you’re looking for St. Patrick’s Day ideas, Valentine’s Day plans, searching for the perfect spot to watch Fourth of July fireworks, or celebrating New Year’s, Birmingham Mom Collective has got you covered.

For everything you need to make your favorite holidays and seasons special, be sure to check Birmingham Mom Collective for all the tips, ideas, news, and reviews that will help any mom make the most of any celebration.

It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year! Hands down, fall is my favorite time of the year. When I was younger, dressing up and stuffing my face with candy was the highlight. As I’ve gotten older, my high...
Growing up in a small, southern community, Halloween usually consisted of the Fall Festival at church and maybe some trick-or-treating when we got a little older. Now that we live in the "big city," we usually catch a parade,...
Halloween is one of my kids' favorite times of the year. As a family, we love dressing up and trick-or-treating. I've always envied other moms who seem to whip up elaborate creations for their kids each year. I'm sure...

Why, Hello There, Pumpkin

With Autumn just around the corner, all things are turning pumpkin flavored (and is anyone even mad about it? I know I’m not.). I could not let my favorite season pass without sharing our family’s favorite pumpkin recipe. It...
Labor Day is a National Holiday; we are out of school, banks and post offices are closed, pretty much those daily things you rely on are closed.  Let's take a closer look at some creative things you can do...
Celebration is in order because this Sunday, July 16th, is National Ice Cream Day! If you were looking for an excuse to indulge in your favorite frozen treats during the hottest time of summer, now you have it! How...
Father’s Day is not a celebrated holiday for most single mothers. There are more than enough absent fathers who have no regard for the lives of their children or consideration to help the mother of their children. As a single...
Nine years ago was my first Mother's Day. Although I was still carrying my first child inside me, my co-workers, both already moms, assured me that it still counted. Little did I know that it would also be my...
Mother's Day is that day most moms look forward to. It's the day when you'll get a makeshift breakfast in bed consisting of burnt toast, applesauce, and yogurt while you pretend it's the best breakfast you've ever eaten. Your...
Easter 2017 was picture perfect. The Easter bunny filled our daughters' baskets, we made it to church, and we enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day spending time together as a family.  But the weeks following such a nice holiday weekend? A total...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Summer Reading Programs in Birmingham

It’s almost summertime! That means it’s time to get excited about all the fun things: day camps, splash pads, family vacations, and all the summer reading programs...
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