
Holidays + Seasons

Birmingham Christmas Tree Lightings

Birmingham Mom Collective is your ultimate resource for all things holidays and seasons in Birmingham. From festive parades to a wide range of activities, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know.

Our guides provide everything a mom in Birmingham needs to celebrate. Discover how to create an amazing Easter basket, find the best spots for pumpkin picking in the area, and get ideas for local spring break staycations!

During Christmas, the holiday lights brighten up the garlands adorning Birmingham. From the dazzling light displays of Birmingham tree lightings to where to see Santa and where to shop local holiday gift ideas, Birmingham Mom is every mom’s go-to resource on how to embrace the holiday season, providing helpful guides, blog posts, and updates.

If it’s a holiday in Birmingham, you can expect fun for the whole family. Whether you’re looking for St. Patrick’s Day ideas, Valentine’s Day plans, searching for the perfect spot to watch Fourth of July fireworks, or celebrating New Year’s, Birmingham Mom Collective has got you covered.

For everything you need to make your favorite holidays and seasons special, be sure to check Birmingham Mom Collective for all the tips, ideas, news, and reviews that will help any mom make the most of any celebration.

2022 :: The Year in Review

Wow, has it been a year?! I feel like I have been saying that every year since the pandemic started; it really put a lot of things into perspective. This was the first year post-pandemic that things started to...
I'm sure most of us could find a few items in our homes that haven't been touched since December 26, 2016. Or toys that haven't been played with since they were unwrapped on Christmas Day. Or, even worse, toys...
We are so excited to share our *newly updated*, A Mom's Guide to Alabama Adventure in 2024! In this guide you will find everything you need to know, bring, do and see, at Alabama Adventure and Splash Adventure.  Alabama Adventure...
I love the holidays. I love gathering with people to celebrate, and I realize the vast majority of the population feels the same way. So that commonality makes us friends, right? And friends tell one another the hard things,...
I’ve known since I was six years old that I wanted to be a mom. I knew that I would find immense purpose in bringing life into the world and building a strong relationship with my future child. I...
I think I may be part Griswold. Or maybe its because my birthday is merely a week prior to the Big Day. Regardless, I LOVE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. I have fond memories as a child driving around looking at twinkly...
No matter how you mom (mother, grandmother, the fun aunt we all need, sister, foster mom, birth mom, adoptive mom), I hope you feel loved & celebrated on Mother’s Day. It can be a hard & complicated day for...
We only have eighteen summers with our kids at home, so we all want to make the most of them, right? Birmingham Mom Collective is here to help you do just that with our 2024 Birmingham Summer Bucket List...
As excited as Alabamians are for cooler temperatures to arrive, we know when the leaves begin to change colors it means that fall is truly here. (Although it will still be hot for a bit longer!) Autumn colors traditionally...
Oh gosh, I sound like “that mom” don’t I? That sanctimonious “I don’t give my kids Happy Meals” kind of mom. Ugh, sorry to do that to you. This is my first Birmingham Mom Collective post and I don’t want...

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In + Around Birmingham

Introduce Soccer to Young Kids with Soccer Shots

Looking for a fun, engaging way to introduce your child to soccer? Birmingham Mom Collective is excited to partner with Soccer Shots, a premier...

The Best Corner in Homewood

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