The seasons are a changin', which means a new reason to decorate! If your front porch has been feeling a little drab lately, turn it into FAB with this fun DIY welcome mat!  Materials :: Plain welcome mat: I got...
It’s inevitable. Birthdays come around every single year. What doesn’t have to be inevitable is the stress that sometimes comes along with planning a party. In our family we keep things small. There are no parties with 40 people,...
As moms, we all go through phases, stages, seasons of our own lives and our family’s. Ours is going through one in which I find we need to deeply declutter and simplify. I recently read, A Simplified Life by...
Brace yourselves, Mommas. The end of the school year is upon us. If you are like any other red blooded Momma in the world, your dining room table, refrigerator door, bedside table, junk drawer and -- let's be honest...
Something about the warm sun peaking through my windows makes my internal spring cleaning clock begin ticking. I’m ready to freshen up, declutter, and simplify our home! As a clean living advocate, I’m always searching for ways to reduce...

Everyone Can Garden!

I love to read. One of my favorite things about reading is when a book changes me in some way. A couple of years ago I read a book that influenced my thinking and introduced our family to gardening. Last...
It's a good day in the Dunn house -- the new spring Pottery Barn catalog came in the mail! Honestly, what person doesn't love swooning over their dreamy rooms and gorgeous displays, falling in love with those overpriced pillows? While...

The Family Closet

What the heck is a "family closet"?! Well, my friends, keep reading and let me explain to you the ins and outs of what a family closet is, and why you just might want one of your own!    The...
If you told me 10 years ago that I would purchase a complete fixer-upper and renovate it, I would have called you crazy. I like new things, shiny and clean. Yet here I am, deep in "Phase II" of our mid-century renovation....
I hate spring cleaning. Really, if I'm being honest, I hate cleaning of any kind. I would much rather have someone else do it and just walk in to a fresh, clean home. Unfortunately, I'm not in the stage...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Vacation Bible Schools in Birmingham

Many of us on the BMC team have fond memories of Vacation Bible School. Often, this is a great way to get your kids...
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