When you picture a working mom, you might typically think of school drop-off, suits, a stuffy commute, a travel mug of coffee, computers, heels, a one-hour lunch break, and a rush at home to do homework before starting the...
Everybody should have a Sarah in their life. My Sarah came into my life two years ago when I started a new job eight months pregnant and fresh off a year working from home for a company with only...
Stress of a Food Allergy Journey I never would have imagined that just a lick of ice cream would affect our lives so much. I soon found out though, not long after my then 8-month-old son could hardly indulge into...
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. If I'm completely honest with you, this topic is something I would usually avoid reading (much less writing about). I'm already a bit of a worry-wart of a...
To say that gratitude has changed my life could seem cliché, but from the time I read a book called Choosing Gratitude by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, I have never been the same. I picked it up after the hardest...
The Day That Changed Everything When I had my first child, my anxiety went through the roof. I imagined every possible scenario in which my child could be injured, and I would go out of my way to prevent anything...

Kinder Than is Necessary

"Kinder than is necessary." I’ll admit it, I stole that quote. I downright stole it from one of my favorite books, Wonder. Man, is it true. I am going to tell you a little bit about my weekend and...
March is Women’s History Month. I love being a mom, but it is incredibly challenging sometimes. I feel like things such as picky eating, potty-training, and toddler tantrums are fairly easy to handle. But when it comes to the...

What’s Self-Care?

So, what’s the hype around the concept of self-care? Is this just another buzzword that millennials made up? These are the questions that I’ve been asking myself over the past couple of years while scrolling my newsfeed to find...
The Beautiful and The Not So Beautiful I wish both sides were told to first time moms. I walked into motherhood with so many false expectations, starting literally from the moment my son was born. He made his debut in...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Tea Houses in Alabama

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite types of establishment: the tea house. If you've been to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, you may...
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