
Pregnancy + Postpartum

Pregnancy + Postpartum: Birmingham Mom Collective

The path to motherhood is a profound and intricate journey through pregnancy and postpartum.  It involves not only the biological aspects of conceiving but also the emotional and psychological challenges one may encounter. Although infertility hurdles may seem overwhelming, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Birmingham Mom Collective offers infertility support to women and couples facing these challenges. 

Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life, as she prepares to embrace motherhood. This stage brings about many physical and emotional changes, and it is important for women to have access to resources and experiences of fellow mothers through it all. From understanding the different stages of pregnancy to taking care of their diet and getting ready for labor, having detailed information and guidance can greatly support expectant moms.

Postpartum, also known as the ‘fourth trimester’, is a phase that is sometimes overlooked but just as important as the earlier stages. It’s a time for healing, adjusting, and figuring out the challenges of new parenthood. The physical and emotional changes can be overwhelming, so resources for postpartum care, including mental health support, are really crucial.

Pregnancy and postpartum stages all come with their own set of challenges and experiences. Birmingham Mom Collective is here to offer support and resources along the journey to motherhood and beyond.

In recognition of National Infertility Awareness Week, we are seeking to raise awareness about this struggle by sharing stories from local moms and a dad who have been in this difficult place, as well as additional local resources to...
I want you to meet my friend Kate -- you'll love her! She's my go-to gal for trading toddler war stories during a morning walk, reminiscing about our kid-free days over a glass of wine, and I can always...
I declined the labor of childbirth. Or that's what my medical reasoning states as to why I chose a cesarean section, according to my obstetrician. It has bothered me since the day I saw her jot down those words...
  Some women claim to love being pregnant. I don’t know that I’m one of those women, but I’m not on the opposite end of the spectrum, either. I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. I feel both excitement...
Takin’ one for the team! That was my motto when it came to getting my tubes tied (or tubal ligation, if you want to get technical). It was long understood (by me, at least!) that when we were finished...
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People always ask if my pregnancies have been similar or different (usually it's a question of feeling different with different gender babies). But my first pregnancy is so much harder to compare with the others. Why? Because it was...
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I had an amazing mother, but I didn't always know that I wanted to be one, myself. I dreamed of traveling and working and doing a number of things that did not involve children. However, I married a man...

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