Birmingham Mom Collective :: Introducing Ashley R


Ashley RBirmingham

I was born and raised on a farm in rural Shelby County, Alabama. This is only about 30 minutes from the city of Birmingham, and for most of my childhood that was the largest city I had ever been to. I used to ride downtown with my grandfather to J.T. Massey Mercantile Co. He would let my brother and I help while he loaded feed for various farm animals into his flatbed Ford. Such sweet memories!

Back then, I was mesmerized by the tall buildings, sidewalks, and sounds I didn’t hear at home. Now I love the restaurants and hole-in-the-wall places to discover on date nights. I love the museums, zoo, and other exciting homeschool destinations with my kids. We all love Thunder on The Mountain every 4th of July! I also enjoy learning about the culture and history of the Magic City. It makes me so happy to share it with my family.


My husband, Justin, and I have been married for almost 13 years, and we still live in Shelby County. I am blessed to be called “Momma” by three beautiful kids. Allie Mae is almost 11. She loves horses, singing, and is always willing to try new things. Jake is eight years old and he loves fishing, playing in the dirt, and helping Daddy on the farm. Our little Maggie just turned one, and she loves being the baby that everybody adores! We are a homeschool family, and I love getting to learn with them every day. I hope and pray that I am instilling a love of learning in them, instead of just “getting school done.”

There are plenty of rocky and difficult days. Motherhood comes with wearing more hats in 24 hours than I ever imagined before having kids. Nurturer, chef, nurse, counselor, teacher, director of fun, judge, jury, and law enforcement are just the first ones that come to mind! I could not think of anything else I have ever loved doing more than being their mom, regardless of the up’s and down’s. I am eternally thankful for the gift of motherhood.


Being a part of Birmingham Mom Collective (BMC) is such a privilege to me. I am so excited to connect with other moms in the Birmingham area and to get to explore motherhood from the point of view of so many other amazing women. I am thrilled to also share my experience in motherhood from my own perspective, while making new friends along the way. I expect to learn and grow as a result of being a contributor for this incredible group at BMC. I look forward to hearing from our readers through our various social media platforms.

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Ashley R
Ashley Rogers is a wife to Justin, and Mom to three busy kids. She is a southern blogger and a life-long farm girl who was raised in rural Shelby County, Alabama. Ashley homeschools her three children, Allie Mae who is 10, Jake who is eight, and Maggie who is one. She lives with her family on a farm about 30 minutes from Birmingham. This allows her to live the country life she loves so dearly, while still being close enough to enjoy the city of Birmingham and all it offers. Ashley is very involved with her church family at Crossbridge Church, teaching and learning with her kids at their homeschool co-op, and doing what needs to be done around the farm. She loves to hike, camp, spend time with her horses, read good novels, write about life as a southern mom, and cook homestyle foods her family enjoys. You can follow her blog here!