Dr. Quyen Ying, the pediatric dentist behind Liberty Park Children's Dentistry, is a full-time working mom. She was kind enough to share some of her tips for balancing work and family as she grows her practice, and we know...

Sharing the Reading Bug

I love books. I love books so much we have a wall lined with a shelf stuffed to the brim with additional stacks around the house. (In my opinion, it’s not hoarding if you are “collecting” books and plan...
It's the most wonderful time of the year. If you think I am celebrating pumpkin spice latte season, that would be incorrect. Nope, not sweater weather either. I mean this is Alabama so we are still far from pulling out...
Dear Daughter (a.k.a. mother of my granddaughter), Please don’t spend your money on a Grandparents’ Day card for us this year. Spend it on gas.  Hop in the car and drive that baby girl (okay, toddler) up to visit her grandparents....

Hello! I am “Basic”

When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a wife and a mom. Every career choice seemed like a backup plan because I believed--and still believe--that my calling in life is to care for...
“We’re going to change your treatment.” Stunned silence. Mouth open. Questions flooded my brain and fought to be the first out of my mouth. “Why?” Was all I could manage.  “There’s a small spot on your lung. The cancer has come...
If I'd Known Then . . . I used to think that if I didn’t get pregnant young (as in my early to mid-twenties), it would mean I was behind the power curve in some way. A lot of my...
The adorable "first day of school" pictures are popping up on feeds everywhere. Cheesy grins, collared shirts, new shoes, and back to school excitement surrounds us. While our children start a new school year, there are new families and...
No More Stuff I must admit, Target is one of my happy places. I could literally spend hours there, skipping down the aisles while searching for the perfect mid-year planner, picking up a few grocery items, or finding the perfect...
School is right around the corner. There is a part of me that craves the end of summer chaos and the return of the inevitable routine and order that comes with the school year. There is also a part...

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In + Around Birmingham

The Ultimate Guide to Blueberry Picking Around Birmingham

My husband and I have been picking blueberries at various farms in the area for years. It doesn't take long to pick a couple...
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