The other day my first grader came scooting into the room on a blanket-draped Pillow Pet with an umbrella in hand. She explained that she was a merchant from Baghdad, carrying spices through the desert on the back of...

Grace and Grandparents

In honor of Grandparents Day, I thought I would talk about Thanksgiving -- because when I think about my grandparents, I think about lessons of grace learned around the holiday table. Thanksgiving. A time to pack up whatever station wagon...
“I think I’m going to try out for Beauty and the Beast next week. You should do it with me!” It was 11:00 p.m. on a Friday night – and auditions were the next Tuesday. My best friend Beth...
I vividly remember the first time I heard about Take Our Daughters To Work Day. My mom was driving us to middle school one morning, and the radio announcer talked about it. I thought, "Hold the phone -- that's...
If you told my vegetarian, PETA-enrolled, 17-year-old self that in ten years I'd be using my bare hands to pick apart a beef burger for two toddlers, I would have straight up laughed in your face. I probably would...
Life As We Know It Never would I have thought I would be explaining what a pandemic is to my child, much less that they would have to wear a mask in school. I think it is safe to say...
March has always seemed like such a magical month to me. It’s the very beginning of spring in Alabama, the return of outdoor activities, and most importantly, it’s the month of my favorite person in the world’s birthday. My...
It was very important to me that my kids know what to do if they were to fall into a pool on accident. I am a strong swimmer, and I absolutely take basic pool safety for granted. I jumped...
Family Traditions January is always the time of year we make gumbo as a family. We also make enough to freeze and enjoy for the rest of the year because . . . 1) it's a little time consuming, 2)...
Taking family photos can be stressful! We all love the beautiful, seemingly effortless Christmas cards that come in the mail, but there is a surprising amount of work that goes into them. Just ask any mom out there! I...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Tea Houses in Alabama

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite types of establishment: the tea house. If you've been to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, you may...
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