
Love + Marriage

couple holding hands, love + Marriage, Birmingham Mom Collective

Being an incredible mom is about more than just taking care of your kids. It’s about cultivating a nurturing environment where emotions are freely shared, problems are fearlessly tackled, and love flourishes. We understand the challenges, especially with the daily pressures of life take on love and marriage . That’s why building strong and healthy relationships is absolutely vital for moms like us in Birmingham!

At Birmingham Mom Collective we are here to provide valuable insights on building and strengthening the bonds with our loved ones and to offer support when relationships face challenges. Whether you’re looking for advice on ways to strengthen your marriage, finding the best spots for date nights in and around Birmingham, or discovering ways to cultivate meaningful relationships, we’ve got you covered.

As mothers, we constantly juggle hectic schedules, but we recognize the importance of prioritizing relationships. That’s why we offer advice on staying connected to your spouse while navigating the challenges of motherhood. Reconnecting with your partner doesn’t have to be complex; we have enjoyable at-home date night ideas for busy parents and tips for finding connection when life is crazy!

Our dedicated team of contributors delivers thought-provoking content on love and marriage offering hope during tough times and nurturing relationships throughout the beautiful journey of motherhood.

Don't miss out on Part 1 of "Let's Talk About Sex {After} Baby" for helpful insights into why sex during the parenting years can be especially difficult to enjoy. "Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things...
Sometimes I wonder what life was like before we had children. Was it boring? Probably not, just a lot quieter. What I've found is that in the midst of carpool, late nights coming home from church, work events, and...
My husband and I are approaching our 17th wedding anniversary. I really am not great at math, but to me, that sounds like a really long time. We got married way back in 2004. (We actually have a VHS...
For two years now, I have been a stay-at-home mom. As rewarding and fulfilling as it is to care for my kids, I inevitably have commitments come up that require my husband to watch them. When this occurs, it...
Most nights of the week, after the sun sets and the kitchen is cleaned, my husband says, “Well Sarah, it’s time to make my rounds.” Already in bed with my nose in a book or scrolling my phone, I...
As Heart Month rolls around this February, I reflected back on my past Birmingham Moms Blog posts to mark this special month in our home. First I wrote about the shocking diagnosis and raising awareness. Then I wrote about freeing myself...
When I think about the experiences that have changed my life the most, having a baby definitely tops the list. During the newborn season, my husband and I went from a life of traveling, going on regular dates, and...
I will never forget those first few years of marriage when people would sweetly ask, “Aww, how long have you two been married?!” We’d answer them–one year, two, three, four–and they would respond all starry-eyed, “Well, you’re still newlyweds!”...

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In + Around Birmingham

5 Things to Do at the Birmingham Zoo this Summer

With the summer season starting soon, the Birmingham Zoo has got you covered with everything from new programs, camps, group outings, and tours. Birmingham Mom...
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