
I Wasted A Day

Two weeks ago, I went for my twenty-second chemotherapy treatment. It has become old hat to show up, be told my bloodwork was great, get hooked up, and sit for four-ish hours while drugs pour into my body to...
Close your eyes while you’re in your kitchen and listen to all the sounds: the stove ticking, kids making noise, water running, the microwave beeping, and every other kitchen feature. Now, think about closing your eyes for two seconds...
This post won’t have any advice or inspirational thoughts, just feelings — raw feelings of utter disappointment. It’s time for me to let them go. I’ve been holding on to them for the past six months and they are...
I'll go ahead and admit what no one wants to: I used to be addicted to using my cell phone in the car. I would talk. I would text. I would check social media. I would even check bank...
It hit me today and I never saw it coming. I was in the shower and it dawned on me that they were right, every single person who offered the unsolicited and less-than-helpful advice to "enjoy every minute". Internally,...
In honor of my baby boy's 25th birthday, I wanted to share a piece of our mother-son story. Perhaps you'll see your own little one in my grown boy, and perhaps you'll see your own hopes reflected in mine....
Last week, I was sitting on a really comfy sectional with five other women, throwing around name suggestions for my new baby girl, who will arrive sometime in the next month. We laughed at some of the outrageous names...
Recently, when putting my two oldest daughters to bed, the younger one suddenly, out of the blue, sobbed that, "My legs hit the edge of this bed and it hurts, Mama. Why won’t you get me a big bed?!"...
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. If I'm completely honest with you, this topic is something I would usually avoid reading (much less writing about). I'm already a bit of a worry-wart of a...
Our country is just now bouncing back from one of the worst flu epidemics we've ever encountered. I sure hope your family steered clear of that beast! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but now it's time...

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Chick-fil-A® Catering Options in Birmingham

It's no secret that we are big fans of Chick-fil-A® at BMC! From delicious food to top-notch service, they consistently knock it out of...
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