There are things about being a parent that I had no idea I would feel so strongly about. Breastfeeding my babies is one of them.  With my first daughter, I read as much as I could about breastfeeding but assumed...
Hey, Mamas! Last month I wrote about how our baby led weaning (BLW) journey began. Read Part 1 here. My daughter, Poppy, is now 12 months old and has come a long way since the days of bananas and strawberries!...
Traveling tops the list of my favorite ways to recharge. I love exploring new places, seeing beautiful things, eating good food, and being temporarily free from the responsibilities I have at home. When my husband expressed interest in going...
If you had told me a year ago that I would share pictures of my breastfeeding journey, or nurse Polly in public, or nurse her at all, I would have called you a liar. I had very strong ideas...
Have you ever bought a toy your child just couldn't live without (in my recent case, PJ mask figurines), only to have them play more with the box it came in? I have.   I have fallen victim to the Target...
It is super fitting and kind of ironic (don'tcha think?) that I am pouring the last bag of breast milk into a bottle for my sixteen-month-old son today. You see, a year ago yesterday, I found out I had...
It’s taken me years to work up the nerve to write this blog post. My determination to do things my way when I had my babies and offer up no explanations is only matched by my fear that I’m...
When it comes to feeding your baby, people have pretty strong opinions about which way is best. Whether it's formula vs. breastmilk or when to start solid foods, the topic of infant feeding seems to get everyone up in...
“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!” This simple rhyme I sang as a child made life, love, and motherhood seem as certain as the rising and setting sun. I carried this idea...
 I’ve seen it so many times: baby or toddler, overwhelmed by the situation and unable to communicate his or her thoughts and feelings to the parent or care-taker, commences to screaming and sobbing. Maybe they throw in some pointing...

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Chick-fil-A® Catering Options in Birmingham

It's no secret that we are big fans of Chick-fil-A® at BMC! From delicious food to top-notch service, they consistently knock it out of...
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