You and me, we've been inseparable (minus those 16 days in the NICU) until now. Every activity has been carefully selected and experienced together. Whether it was sitting in my lap for story time at the library or Mommy...
Back to school is usually a time of excitement. For children, they get to see friends, meet a new teacher, learn, grow, and play. For parents . . . FREEEEEEDOOOOOM! I joke, but seriously, there has always been a...
I came across the idea of a busy board one day on Pinterest. In short, what I saw was different things for a toddler to play with on a board, such as door latches, zippers, velcro, etc. It seemed...
I currently have an infant and a two year old. Needless to say, there is a lot of crying happening at my house these days. Obviously, that is to be expected from my infant daughter, and I had certainly...

Moving with a Toddler

Let me just start by saying this was not my first rodeo. Since my husband and I married in 2012, we have moved seven times (no, we are not military). Moving back to Birmingham this month was our third...
One of the easiest ways to teach young children responsibility is to teach them to do chores. In addition to responsibility, teaching young children household chores helps them learn self-reliance and competency. When we give young children chores, they...
After reading The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies, I was inspired to make several changes in our home. One of the many topics discussed in this book is how to set up Montessori-style spaces. I loved how thoughtfully and...
Have you seen a child beg for a bright flashing toy, only to play with it momentarily before tossing it aside? This is frustrating for parents who feel their home is covered in toys that get thrown around more...
Do you know anyone who doesn't like magnets? I'll give you a minute. . . yeah, me neither ;P Magnets are one of those few toys (like Legos) that I believe everyone enjoys.   A couple of years ago, I...
Cooking for and feeding a toddler can be one of THE most frustrating, stressful things for us moms. It's so hard to consistently feed them healthy, wholesome meals and snacks, and their bi-polar appetites don't help the situation! Plus,...

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Chick-fil-A® Catering Options in Birmingham

It's no secret that we are big fans of Chick-fil-A® at BMC! From delicious food to top-notch service, they consistently knock it out of...
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