A Story of Diaper Failure How do I tell you in an eloquent way that this blog begins with being inspired by none other than… poop? A word I rarely used until I had a child, and that I still...
I currently have an infant and a two year old. Needless to say, there is a lot of crying happening at my house these days. Obviously, that is to be expected from my infant daughter, and I had certainly...
Being a teacher and a mom definitely has its benefits. My favorite thing students ask me is, "Ms. Woodard, when are we going to actually use this in the real world?" (Which is a very valid question.) When we are...
As we are spending time at home more, I have never been so thankful for my stash of preschool creative supplies! Many of my friends have been asking me for an easy list of go-to items to have on...

Moving with a Toddler

Let me just start by saying this was not my first rodeo. Since my husband and I married in 2012, we have moved seven times (no, we are not military). Moving back to Birmingham this month was our third...
Riddle me this: What can sometimes feel longer than my son’s end-to-end connected Hot Wheels tracks spread across the house? It may also start to blend together like my daughter's washable paints. Answer: Days spent entirely at home with toddlers. Solution:...
Have you ever bought a toy your child just couldn't live without (in my recent case, PJ mask figurines), only to have them play more with the box it came in? I have.   I have fallen victim to the Target...
After reading The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies, I was inspired to make several changes in our home. One of the many topics discussed in this book is how to set up Montessori-style spaces. I loved how thoughtfully and...
I came across the idea of a busy board one day on Pinterest. In short, what I saw was different things for a toddler to play with on a board, such as door latches, zippers, velcro, etc. It seemed...
Setting Weekday early evening/late afternoon, also known as the witching hour: A mother, her 3 year old son, and her 17 month old daughter are in the kitchen. Butter, white sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking powder, salt, chocolate...

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Chick-fil-A® Catering Options in Birmingham

It's no secret that we are big fans of Chick-fil-A® at BMC! From delicious food to top-notch service, they consistently knock it out of...
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