Taking family photos can be stressful! We all love the beautiful, seemingly effortless Christmas cards that come in the mail, but there is a surprising amount of work that goes into them. Just ask any mom out there! I...
I’m not sure exactly what parenting philosophy I’d be described as following in my parenting journey. With a two-year-old son and a ten-month-old son, I’ve learned that there are some things I’m pretty laid back about and some things...
When people find out how many children we have, stares of confusion and lots of questions usually ensue. As foster parents, the number of children living under our roof changes regularly. Today that number is 13. Although the days...
The day my bonus daughter opened a package and pulled out a shirt adorned with the words “Big Sister” was the day her world experienced an unexpected shift in the atmosphere. Her only-child-orbit was rudely being invaded by a...
Like so many other young couples in Birmingham, my husband and I are not Alabama natives. And while we love the convenience and opportunities we’ve gained from living here, and it is truly the perfect place for our little...
Risk analysis is my jam.  You could put me in a room, and I could both identify and prepare for any risk that might even remotely be presented.  We had the monitor to alert us if the boys’ breathing became...
As moms -- whether stay-at-home, working, homeschooling, moms of kids who spend the day out at school, tall moms, short moms, moms of one, or moms of seven -- we have busy, full days with a lot on our...
Hi, I'm Lauren, and I have a confession . . . I used to be a Supermom. You know, that mom who would cook seven days a week; clean seven days a week; wash, dry, fold, put up, and iron...
Well . . . the time is almost here: backpacks, books, and binders; pencils, pens, and paper. Yep, it's back to school time. It’s time for shopping, cleaning, and most importantly, scaled back bedtimes and morning routines. I know...
The first day of school is just around the corner – and you know what that means! Your social media newsfeeds will soon be full of “back to school” photos from every single mom on your list. I know...

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In + Around Birmingham

Homewood’s Central Park is Updated & Better than Ever

  The newly updated Homewood Central Park playground is now open! As Homewood residents who love to be outside, my family spends a lot of...
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