Breakfast is Hard. At least, for our household it is. With three children aged six, three, and one, it’s quite honestly a whirlwind of checking who needs milk, who needs a spoon, who needs seconds, and whether the baby actually...
I keep seeing a meme floating around about there being a difference between buying books and actually reading them. I know some people who looooovvvvveeeee purchasing books; I also know some people who love reading books and do not...
Although both my husband (B) and I grew up stirring, pouring, and baking in our grandmothers’ kitchens, he sees cooking as a hobby, and I see it as a necessity. So, we've found the keys to meal prepping begin...
For many years, I felt as if my home controlled me versus me controlling my home. After becoming a mom, I felt completely overwhelmed by everything a baby added to the household chores. Laundry and dishes multiplied, toys were...
If you told me 10 years ago that I would purchase a complete fixer-upper and renovate it, I would have called you crazy. I like new things, shiny and clean. Yet here I am, deep in "Phase II" of our mid-century renovation....
When I think about traditional Easter foods, my mind pictures a baked ham with fresh peas on the side. My husband, who is more southern than he realizes, says those little "pear salads" are key. (You know, the ones...
It's one thing to stand on a septic tank and take a picture. It's another thing to post it in a public place, but here we are -- my husband and me, beaming with pride. This beautiful, sparkling white...
The Dilemma: My son is 18 months old and he has recently started attending daycare. I love that he is learning to share and he is making friends with other babies. However, I have to admit that my favorite part...
I heard an astounding statistic the other day. Once you reach age 33, you stop listening to new music. How wild is that? But then I started thinking about it, and, if I am honest with myself, it has...
My husband and I have lived without a t.v. since we got married over six years ago. It has never really bothered us because we've always had plenty of things to keep us busy. From church activities to seasonal...

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In + Around Birmingham

The Ultimate Guide to Blueberry Picking Around Birmingham

My husband and I have been picking blueberries at various farms in the area for years. It doesn't take long to pick a couple...
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