“Take care of yourself!”“What are you doing for self-care lately?”“How about taking some time for yourself.” “Prioritize self-care.”These are common refrains spoken by well-intentioned individuals. They are platitudes scrolling amongst the reels of social media. Isn't Self-Care a Bit Privileged? Often...
Now that we're a few months into the school year, you likely have an idea how things are going for your child in the classroom. Like all of us, they probably have areas where they excel and maybe one...
We have just finished another season of youth football in my house, and, once again, I am feeling a certain kind of way. I am grateful for a break; we all need it. I'm relieved to see the late nights...
The cool air meets you as you step outside. A freshness that makes you stop and take another breath on purpose. The sun is barely up over the mountains, but you can already see the glowing symphony coming to life...
Here are a ten takeaways regarding only children I will leave you with in case you are like me, and, despite societal expectations, feel that one is enough.
Understanding Caregiver Fatigue I sat with my therapist a few years ago and tried to put into words not how I was feeling, but rather the unsettling absence of emotion that had crept into my care-taking role. I explained that...
On a cloudless day in June, you spot her. She’s chasing two blonde girls around the Ross Bridge splash pad. Her kids are just a bit older than yours. She looks over to her husband setting up towels on...
Character. Discipline. Focus. Approaching our inaugural season of peewee football, these were the things my husband and I knew football would help our son to understand. However, we were pleasantly surprised to find out it would also do something...
Subtle Shift from the Little Kid Phase I'm sure many will relate, but when my children were younger I rarely indulged and did things for the sake of my own personal fulfillment. Either I was zapped of energy or overstimulated...

I Wish I Knew

There’s no amount of parenting books that can prepare you for life as a mom. There are parenting gurus and motherhood influencers scouring social media, giving us a sneak peek of the life we think we may achieve, but even...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Tea Houses in Alabama

Allow me to introduce one of my favorite types of establishment: the tea house. If you've been to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, you may...
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