The Need for Connection Being a mom is tough. Doing it while feeling isolated can be devastating. We all need mom friends. As humans, our brains are hardwired for connection. Studies show that our positive connection to others is the...
Back to school shopping shouldn't be hard.  But for some reason, this year has been awful.  I have a 14-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter. . . and what a difference in these two.  For my son, he still wears anything I lay...
The day my son was born, the constant screeches, screams, and painful cries began. The image of the sweet, sleepy newborn I had envisioned was not the 6 lb. 15 oz. boy laid in my arms after a long,...
I Sometimes Resent my Own Emotions. But why? They are my emotions, they are real, and they are valid. So, why do I feel guilty when I feel certain things? For example, recently my husband mentioned the idea of having another...
We have all heard it said that time is the only non-renewable resource. Think of productivity like budgeting your time just like you would budget your finances. For example, if I have X amount of money I want to...
As our kids start closing in on high school graduation, we ask ourselves if our kids are ready for life after graduation. For some kids that will mean going away for college. Other kids will be living at home...
This mom life is hard. Often, we screw up in ways we didn't know were problematic in the first place. Here are solutions to five commonly missed mama mistakes. Mistake #1 :: Parking as close to the store's entrance as...
Normalizing Therapy  I grew up in a household that didn't recognize mental health. There was a mindset that you can control every aspect of your life, so you don't need help from anybody. So, that is what I went on...
Homeschooling is a big decision for any family, and for my family it has proven to be a great one! If you are considering homeschooling in Birmingham, or if you've already decided and are overwhelmed with all the methods,...
When your child receives a diagnosis for autism, you are given a booklet about autism and the different services available. It is often overwhelming and confusing. There isn't always a clear guideline on what to do. One thing I...

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In + Around Birmingham

The Ultimate Guide to Blueberry Picking Around Birmingham

My husband and I have been picking blueberries at various farms in the area for years. It doesn't take long to pick a couple...
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