Birmingham Born and raised in Mississippi by way of Texas, Birmingham has been my home for the last two years. After spending several years in Texas while my husband was in the military, we knew it was time to move...
Birmingham I never expected to call Birmingham my “Home Sweet Home.” Growing up in a family of farmers from Dothan, one-room schoolhouse teachers from Arkansas, and country preachers from Mobile, I ended up being raised attending a private school in...
  Birmingham  We moved to Birmingham about 12 years ago from St. Augustine, Florida, after my husband graduated from PT school. However, my husband was born and raised in Birmingham and always wanted to move back, so this wasn't a new...
Birmingham I know I've found my "bubble," and I love it! Moving to Birmingham as a child, I loved going to parks, the zoo, and of course, Savage's Bakery for a smiley face cookie. We had the local "quiet park"...
Birmingham I have had the privilege to call Birmingham home for the past 10 years. I moved here as an 18 year old to study at Samford University and have loved every minute of living in this amazing city. I...
We are so excited to announce our Greater Birmingham Area Mom's Park Hop Series presented by Oak Mountain Pediatric Dentistry! Meet us at the playground this Winter for our Birmingham Area Mom's Park Hop Series and let your kids enjoy...
Birmingham If you had told me ten years ago that I'd be living in central Alabama, raising twins, and married to the guy I had a huge long-distance crush on, I'd have never believed you. But life has a way...
Birmingham When I graduated from high school in Eufaula, Alabama, in 2005, I thought success meant getting the heck out of dodge . . . "dodge" being Alabama in its entirety. After a few long years in Orlando at the...
Birmingham I have lived in Alabama the longest I have lived anywhere, almost 20 years! I moved here from Maryland to attend the University of Alabama, then I moved to Birmingham when I graduated. I have seen Birmingham change so...
Greetings, Mamas! My name is Tanisha Garnier. My husband Victor and I have lived in the Birmingham area since the summer of 2013. As a child I moved around a good bit since my dad was in the Air...

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In + Around Birmingham

Chick-fil-A® Catering Options in Birmingham

It's no secret that we are big fans of Chick-fil-A® at BMC! From delicious food to top-notch service, they consistently knock it out of...
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